Sunday, February 26, 2012

How To Fall Asleep According To Me

Hello there.
It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm really sorry about that but after my drawing challenge I didn't know what my new posts were gonna be about. Then I asked my friends for help and they said that I should just upload some of my sketches since this blog is about me being wannabe-artist. I thought about uploading sketches but then I looked at the title of my blog and it does say "The Uninteresting Life of a Wannabe-Artist". So, I thought instead of some sketches, I could upload some comics or doodles about my everyday-life. I will of course upload some of my sketches, too, if i deem them worthy of being shown to the world.
So today, I will tell you the easiest way to fall asleep (for me). And the answer is: my math teacher. I have no idea why. I can get 10 hours of sleep, be wide awake, come to her class, and fall asleep as soon as she starts the lesson. I think it's her voice. It just makes me go to sleep.



  1. hahaha oh lisa xD I've loved this one ever since you showed it to me.:)

  2. This is so so so funny. I died when you showed me. :) I heart you.

