Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 30: A Congrats Banner For Finishing The Challenge

Finally! I finished it! And it took forever!
But here it is - the last Day for the challenge.
And that is a forced smile drawn on duct tape. Because I know I should be happy I finished the challenge but I feel like a failure because it took so long.
Well then enjoy :)


Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 29: A Place You Want To Go

I'm a failure. And one more day to go.
I've always wanted to go to Tokyo or Japan in general. Japan fascinates me. It just has a very interesting culture. I love all the traditional clothing and buildings and everything. It's very beautiful. And they have Ninjas and Samurai! I'm also a big fan of manga and anime and you may have noticed that I have a manga style of drawing. I can do realistic stuff too but drawing in a manga/cartoon-ish style is more fun and easier too.
Ah, I just love Japan. I've been wanting to go there since forever.


Enjoy :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 28: Anything You'd Like

Oh wow I suck.
Something I'd like are superpowers. Because superpowers are awesome. Oh, you wanna know which powers I'd like? Okay, I'll tell you. So, first I want to fly like Superman does. And then I guess healing powers like Wolverine. And all the telepathic/telekinetic/mind-reading powers like Professor X.
The world would be so much more interesting if I had superpowers. Then I could wear an awesome costume.


Enjoy :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 27: Someone You Love

Getting closer and closer to the end. 
So Day 27 was Someone I Love. And someone I love is my awesome friend Alda. (go check out her blog: Moments In Time)
When I moved to Albania in 2010 and went to my new school for the first time she was the first one to talk to me. She was my first friend here and I think things would've been very different if I hadn't met her. Even though she can be scary when she's in a bad mood, I love her very much :)


Enjoy :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 26: Something You Don't Like

Okay, so now instead of giving you everything at once, I'll post the last few days on their own. I hope you don't mind.
And here we are, Day 26: Something You Don't Like. And the answer is: Spiders.
I absolutely do not like spiders. They're scary, have eight eyes, eight legs, and are just ew.
So, I think that's what Ron from Harry Potter and I have in common :)


Enjoy the yucky spider.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Missing Days (part 3)

And the missing days continue. Sorry for taking so long.


Day 22: Something You Miss
Yes, I do miss drinkable tap water. I'm far too lazy to always be buying bottles of water to drink out of. I'd much rather just take a glass, fill it with tap water and drink it. I always do that when I go to Austria haha
Day 23: Something You Need
Day 24: A Couple
It's two people hugging :D
Now isn't that sweet.
Day 25: Scenery
The mountain next to our house in Cape Town.

Well then, enjoy :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Missing Days (part 2)

Even though I haven't been uploading since the internet in Capetown was so slow, I have been working on my Drawing Challenge. So I present to you part 2 of the Missing Days.


Day 16: Inspiration
This was a hard one. Seriously. I had no idea what to do. But then I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I get inspired by a lot of things. Names, places, things I see, things I hear. Just, like, everything.

Day 17: Favorite Plant
I love trees. And the reason I love trees is because I love to climb them. :)

Day 18: Just A Doodle
I was bored during Physics class.

Day 19: Something New
I bought this keychain in Capetown. It looks much prettier in real life but whatever. 

Day 20: Something Orange
Our XCountry Shirts :D
They're bright orange and they really stick out in a crowd of people. They're awesome.

Day 21: Something You Want
This! This is a pokémon called Reuniclus. And because my brother and I have always bought, like, every pokémon game, I got Pokémon Black Version. I had looked at the new pokémon available on the internet before I got the game, saw this one and I knew I had to have it on my team. So I got Pokémon Black Version but it never showed up anywhere. So I checked on the internet where to get it. And you know what it said? You can only get a Reuniclus in Pokémon White Version. BUT I WANT IT!

I hope you enjoy.