Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Missing Days (part 2)

Even though I haven't been uploading since the internet in Capetown was so slow, I have been working on my Drawing Challenge. So I present to you part 2 of the Missing Days.


Day 16: Inspiration
This was a hard one. Seriously. I had no idea what to do. But then I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I get inspired by a lot of things. Names, places, things I see, things I hear. Just, like, everything.

Day 17: Favorite Plant
I love trees. And the reason I love trees is because I love to climb them. :)

Day 18: Just A Doodle
I was bored during Physics class.

Day 19: Something New
I bought this keychain in Capetown. It looks much prettier in real life but whatever. 

Day 20: Something Orange
Our XCountry Shirts :D
They're bright orange and they really stick out in a crowd of people. They're awesome.

Day 21: Something You Want
This! This is a pokémon called Reuniclus. And because my brother and I have always bought, like, every pokémon game, I got Pokémon Black Version. I had looked at the new pokémon available on the internet before I got the game, saw this one and I knew I had to have it on my team. So I got Pokémon Black Version but it never showed up anywhere. So I checked on the internet where to get it. And you know what it said? You can only get a Reuniclus in Pokémon White Version. BUT I WANT IT!

I hope you enjoy.

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